by Jerry Shkavritko | Mar 10, 2022 | Outdoor Living
Raymond found us on Home Depot’s referral network. He was interested in getting some railing done for the patio area. He was already looking into products and seeing what he would be interested in. He had a product in mind originally that he was interested in. Zach...
by Jerry Shkavritko | Mar 10, 2022 | Outdoor Living, Porch Enclosures, Screen Rooms, Three Season Rooms
Scott had some work done on his beach house using Sunspace products. Having great experience with the product he wanted to do the same for his home in Charlotte. He reached out to us through submitting a form from our page in his interest in enclosing his existing...
by Jerry Shkavritko | Mar 9, 2022 | Outdoor Living, Porch Enclosures, Screen Rooms, Three Season Rooms
John had reached out to us because he wanted to enclose his existing screen porch. The reason he started looking into this was because the contractor who originally worked on his project left him with some safety concerns. There were sharp edges that were a danger to...
by Jerry Shkavritko | Jan 24, 2022 | Uncategorized
Helen reached out to us looking to transform her backyard area. She wanted some ideas that would enable her and her elderly dad to enjoy their outdoor area. She needed something that could shade the area without enclosing it as well as a solution that would keep the...
by Jerry Shkavritko | Jan 20, 2022 | Porch Enclosures, Screen Rooms, Three Season Rooms, Windows
John reached out to us looking to enclose his upstairs porch. He had an existing covered porch and wanted options to convert it to a seasonal room. His neighborhood has rather close homes, so John and his wife didn’t have a lot of privacy. John wanted something where...
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