Ruth was just like you, looking for a way to still enjoy her screen porch more without having to enclose it all the way. She just got tired of all the cleaning. The spring time came with the pollen and the fall/winter came the dust. So, she took to the internet for the solution.

After looking up different options and solutions she found our website and decided to give us a call. We met with Ruth and went over the solution to her problem. So, after reviewing the option we gave her it was a no brainer that we were the best for the job.

We suggested the WeatherMaster Model 200. This model still allows her the option of a screen porch but when she’s not using it there are vinyl windows in place to stop all the pollen and dust. Ruth wanted to maximize her window space so we customized the size of the windows to do just that. The porch openings are higher than 8′ and in order to install the largest Sunspace WeatherMaster 200 windows we had to build out a small knee-wall. On the outside this knee-wall was wrapped with coil to protect the wood and redirect the water away from the wall. On the inside we trimmed it out to make it look neat. At the gable peak, we installed vinyl trapezoids to keep outdoor weather outside and let light in. We installed trim around all the windows. We also wrapped the exposed wood in that area with an aluminum coil to prolong the life of the porch. The wrap also color matched the windows. The previous porch screen door was a standard height of 80″. We replaced it with a taller door to better match the height of the door leading to the house. We’re able to do this because Sunspace materials are completely customizable to whatever the width and height needs are. Ruth had a real custom job from head to toe that we were able to accomplish for her.

So, after it was all said and done, Ruth was another happy customer. As you can see in her video, she loved everything we did and how well our installation team treated her. Now remember we will always be cautious during this time so keep that in mind if you are worried about the COVID-19 and people coming in your home. We follow the guidelines to keep you and your family safe just as Ruth said in her video.



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